The Strathclyde Software Defined Radio (SDR) Lab is researching, developing and trialling agile radio network solutions featuring 4G/5G, Xilinx RFSoC, OpenRAN, Neutral Hosting, Shared Spectrum, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), and MultiUser MIMO (Mu-MIMO) technologies.

With the ever increasing demand for ubiquitous digital connectivity across all walks of life, efficient and affordable use of resources such as radio spectrum and infrastructure are becoming critical in connecting the unconnected.
Our Projects
The Strathclyde SDR Lab is currently working on a number of innovative projects exploring 5G deployments across a range of domains. For more information, please check out our Projects Page.
5G RuralFirst
5G RuralFirst is a call to action. We need to demonstrate the game changing potential of 5G technologies, strategies and new business models to deliver connectivity for the UK’s rural businesses and communities. We believe that bringing more…
5G NewThinking
The 5G NewThinking project will look at the provision of mobile/wireless connectivity primarily using the shared spectrum and local spectrum licencing options announced by Ofcom in July 2019. Working closely with communities, the…
S5GC: 5G Scotland Rural Testbed
The University of Strathclyde are creating a rural ‘field lab’ to allow demonstration, test, and evaluation of new 5G-technologies, shared spectrum access, operational models, and regulatory approaches for fixed and mobile connectivity in…
5G RailNext
5G RailNext is a demonstrator for interactive media, such as augmented reality, over 5G in the marketing and creative industries. Its goal is to show that the next generation of mobile networks and platforms has the potential to improve…
SPEN Green Economy Fund
We are working with partners to implement a new initiative that combines 5G communications technology and smart metering to manage energy usage across residential heat network and homes without existing metering services…
S5GC: 5G Scotland Rural Testbed
The University of Strathclyde are creating a rural ‘field lab’ to allow demonstration, test, and evaluation of new 5G-technologies, shared spectrum access, operational models, and regulatory approaches for fixed and mobile connectivity in…
5G RailNext
5G RailNext is a demonstrator for interactive media, such as augmented reality, over 5G in the marketing and creative industries. Its goal is to show that the next generation of mobile networks and platforms has the potential to improve…
SPEN Green Economy Fund
We are working with partners to implement a new initiative that combines 5G communications technology and smart metering to manage energy usage across residential heat network and homes without existing metering services…
Our Research
The Strathclyde SDR Lab is supported by a team of 2 Academic staff, 6 Knowledge Exchange, 3 R&D Engineers and 11 PhD Students. Alongside the various projects, we are carrying out research in the fields of:
Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio, RF-SoC, Cellular Networks, OpenRAN, Shared Spectrum and Dynamic Spectrum Access
Meet the team here, and check out
our latest publications here.

Latest News
Recent Posts
StrathSDR and Scotland 5G Centre host Shared Spectrum Showcase Event at Loch Lomond – Part 329 November 2021/0 Comments
Rural Neutral Host Network Demonstration in Orkney, Scotland9 November 2020/
Scottish 5G Centre Launch Event12 December 2019/