At the end of November, we held an S5GC welcome event with our three founding partners: the University of Strathclyde (which is also our host university), University of Glasgow and Scottish Futures Trust.
As well as thanking our partners for their support in setting up the Scotland 5G Centre, we wanted to start our work to build a 5G ecosystem in Scotland, connecting people and organisations who can help to realise the benefits. The event brought together over 90 5G researchers and specialists from S5GC Wave 1 projects, universities, businesses and the public sector.
Speakers at the event included our Interim Director Derek Boyd and representatives from our three founding partners. You can see their presentations by clicking on the links below.
Vision and Mission of the S5GC – Derek Boyd, The Scotland 5G Centre
Wave 1 Project 5G Rural Testbed – Professor Bob Stewart, University of Strathclyde
Wave 1 Project Infrastructure Deployment Accelerator – Sarah Eynon, The Scotland 5G Centre & Scottish Futures Trust
Wave 1 Project Innovation Districts – Professor Muhammad Imran, University of Glasgow
Scottish Futures Trust 5G Activity – Derek Graham & Bernard Dougherty, Scottish Futures Trust